
Resources for Hiring Managers

Costs of a Bad Hire & 11 Tricks to Hiring Smarter
There’s no question that a bad hire will decrease revenue, and the direct impact is easy to identify such as salary, benefits, lost sales, recruiting costs and advertising, and unemployment relocation or legal fees when necessary. Indirect impact can be just as detrimental but tricky to measure in a quantifiable calculation.


Minimize Turnover and Boost Your Top-Talent
Retaining satisfied employees is a crucial indicator of an attractive work place, but engaged employees will set companies apart from the competition. Salary is not the only solution to encourage production, and it’s only temporary. By understanding the type of employees you have, and how they’re influenced you can build a retention plan to earn loyalty and increase overall engagement.


Are you looking to GROW you team with TOP Talent? How are Millennials different from your previous hires, and how to retain the loyal employees.
The Work Place Welcomes and Maintains Millennials- Although workplace foundations such as work ethic, loyalty, success, and professional growth have not changed, each generation has interpreted these values differently, which has helped bring innovation.



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